October 17, 2017

Kubatko – Trianglove feat. Jo Joonghyun – Hospital Records

July 7, 2017

Trianglove feat. Jo Joonghyun on Hospitality in the park 2017 compilation

I am super happy to announce probably my biggest achievement in my music doing. It’s a track “Trianglove” coming on Hospital Records on the Hospitality In The Park 2017 compilation. Pretty amazed to see this happening especially since Hospital Records shaped my music taste big time after 2002. Big thanks also to Joong Hyun Jo that recorded guitar for the song. You can check out pre-order and preview in here:


May 4, 2016

Vzduchoplavec CD – Výprodej / Sale

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A je tu ještě jeden výprodej smile emoticon tentokrát několik CD Vzduchoplavce, které vyšlo na Quazi Delict Rec a dostalo Anděla v roce 2010.
Cena 150 Kč včetně poštovného. Pošlete zprávu, pokud máte zájem.

There is one more sale:) a few CDs of Vzduchoplavec album, that was released on Quazi Delict Rec and received a Anděl award in year 2010.
The price including international shipping is 8 USD. Send me a message here if you are interested.

January 12, 2015

Aucklandia CDs have arrived!

A few days ago, 105 beautiful CDs arrived. Feel free to order one from my Bandcamp. I am currently based in Auckland so local pick-ups are possible too. Also if you do / have something that you think I might like we can exchange too.

January 6, 2015

Why I love Bandcamp

I simply love Bandcamp for all what it brings to the music “industry”. They started simple, they are keeping it simple but they also continuously bring new features.

A few things that matter to me the most:

  • Easy to set-up an account for an artist.
  • Easy to upload songs/content for an artist.
  • Bandcamp takes only 15% from anything that you sell in there. Which, if you think about it, is quite a small amount considering all the support they give you.
  • As an artist you can sell pretty much anything (merchandise, CDs, digital). Everything is nicely done and orders are easily trackable.
  • Stats are easy to understand and viewable.
  • Clean design.
  • You feel like they care about the artists. For example every artist can select three other albums on Bandcamp and so when someone buys their album on the download screen they will see album that the artist is recommending. Really cool little feature.
  • You don’t have to register to buy music.
  • If you are registered user anytime you buy something you get it added to your nicely done collection.

    Bandcamp Collection

    Bandcamp Collection

How many plays on Bandcamp do I get?

Bandcamp Plays

Bandcamp Plays

How many sales do I get?

Bandcamp Sales

Bandcamp Sales

Put all into context – on Bandcamp I would get 131.40 / 5906 = 0,02 USD/Play.

How much do I earn from a play on Spotify? It’s about 0,002 USD/Play. Thanks god for Bandcamp 🙂

Spotify Play

Spotify Play

Which is quite nice, again I don’t do it for the money but the fact that I earned 131,40 USD in two months will help me cover some of the cost that I spent on Aucklandia.

If we don’t count my time that I spent on the album the total cost of the Aucklandia album was:

80 USD – Distribution

327 USD – Mastering (USD = around 22 CZK)

297 USD – 105 CD Albums

total of 704 USD

after taking 131,40 USD that I earned – it’s just 572,6 USD to get to 0 cost.

Quite cool.

December 1, 2014

Aucklandia T-Shirt design on Threadless

If you would like to wear the design of my new upcoming album on your chest please do vote for it on Threadless.

Thank you!

Aucklandia, a cool t-shirt design

November 5, 2011

Remixové album Republic Of Two je venku!

Republic Of Two tento týden pokřtili své nové album “End Of War” a zároveň i remixové album “United Flags”, kde se právě nachází i můj remix skladby “The Fish & The Boy”.

Remixové album můžete poslouchat a nakupovat zde.

A zde je ukázka mého remixu:

Republic Of Two – The Fish & The Boy – Kubatko remix by Kubatko

March 8, 2011

Vzduchoplavec tento týden v soutěžích na Radiu 1

“Vzduchoplavec” bude se štěstím k mání tento týden v soutěžích na radiu jedna (91,9 fm). Stačí vystihnout ten správný moment a “Vzduchoplavec” bude Váš.

February 22, 2011

Kryštof – Ukolébavka (Kubatko Remix) – ukázka

January 9, 2011

The Robot Sits Over There – Oficiální video!

Tak po promrzlých hodinách venku a hřejivých pár hodinách doma u čaje a u počítače jsme s kamarádem Rudou (Rudeboy) dokončili první oficiální plnohodnotný videoklip ke skladbě “The Robot Sits Over There”. Byl to opravdu pořádný úkol plný fotek a improvizace s rukama, vlascem a na střeše :]
Doufám, že si videoklip užijete stejně tak jako my i při jeho natáčení a teď když na něj koukáme.

Album Vzduchoplavec právě s touto skladbou je k mání zde.