My new EP is out (officially on 2nd of March). It contains three original house tunes (a bit more lively though) with two remixes by Twintone from Germany and Primula from Japan. Feel free to grab it for 1 USD on Bandcamp.
Posted by Jakub Holovsky in NEWS, RELEASES and tagged as bandcamp, czech, czech republic, czechia, daisuke masuo, ep, jakub holovsky, kubatko, majestical, new zealand, prague, primula, soundcloud, twintone, volker thiel
Free Range – new mini album!
After Hexage’s soundtrack for Redcon I finally had some more time for my own music.
The result is a mini album called “Free Range” that contains 5 tracks – all targeting different genres of electronic music.
Let me introduce the tracks to you one by one:
1) Free Range – dubsteppy electronica with guitar parts that were recorded by my South Korean friend Jo Joonghyun. I was browsing through some of my old Reason sketches and found the beat percussions – I thought that they were sounding cool so I took them. Then I heard another older sketch and liked the bassline – took that one out as well. Suddenly I had a deeper vibe going. The rest was just plain amazing. Especially Jo always surprises me with his guitar ideas. So grateful that I met this guy.
2) Falcon – this is an opposite of “Free Range”, I composed this from a scratch a few weeks back. I really enjoy listening to those evolving filtered beats and pads. Also pitched down vocals and shuffling hit patterns do the trick for me. Pure Deep House track.
3) Buzzard – another result of me browsing through my old sketches. I found a drum and bass part that I really liked however it was just sounding too fast and too crazy. I took down the tempo to a breaks level and suddenly I was feeling it. It’s got kind of a sci-fi atmosphere that I enjoy.
4) Swoop – I actually don’t know why it took us ages with Munk (a drum and bass producer from Hungary) to finish it. I have always liked this song that we composed around year 2007. It just never got to go out. So I sat at it and contacted Munk. I just basically cleaned the sound, made new mixdown and edited a few parts that sounded a bit strange. I love the result, powerful song with a few light moments.
5) Seoul Memory – as the title says, it’s a reminisce of Seoul where I recorded the background sounds used in the song. Their subway makes such amazing futuristic sound (subway and olive n young being my most favorite places during my most recent visit :D). Amazing city, amazing country. Jo again backed me up with his guitar. Thanks Jo! you are my star!
Posted by Jakub Holovsky in NEWS, RELEASES and tagged as 2016, album, bandcamp, bbeliefs008, beyond belief, breaks, czech, deep house, drum and bass, dubstep, free range, hungary, jo joonghyun, kubatko, mini album, munk, south korea
Why I love Bandcamp
I simply love Bandcamp for all what it brings to the music “industry”. They started simple, they are keeping it simple but they also continuously bring new features.
A few things that matter to me the most:
- Easy to set-up an account for an artist.
- Easy to upload songs/content for an artist.
- Bandcamp takes only 15% from anything that you sell in there. Which, if you think about it, is quite a small amount considering all the support they give you.
- As an artist you can sell pretty much anything (merchandise, CDs, digital). Everything is nicely done and orders are easily trackable.
- Stats are easy to understand and viewable.
- Clean design.
- You feel like they care about the artists. For example every artist can select three other albums on Bandcamp and so when someone buys their album on the download screen they will see album that the artist is recommending. Really cool little feature.
- You don’t have to register to buy music.
- If you are registered user anytime you buy something you get it added to your nicely done collection.
Bandcamp Collection
How many plays on Bandcamp do I get?

Bandcamp Plays
How many sales do I get?

Bandcamp Sales
Put all into context – on Bandcamp I would get 131.40 / 5906 = 0,02 USD/Play.
How much do I earn from a play on Spotify? It’s about 0,002 USD/Play. Thanks god for Bandcamp 🙂

Spotify Play
Which is quite nice, again I don’t do it for the money but the fact that I earned 131,40 USD in two months will help me cover some of the cost that I spent on Aucklandia.
If we don’t count my time that I spent on the album the total cost of the Aucklandia album was:
80 USD – Distribution
327 USD – Mastering (USD = around 22 CZK)
297 USD – 105 CD Albums
total of 704 USD
after taking 131,40 USD that I earned – it’s just 572,6 USD to get to 0 cost.
Quite cool.
Posted by Jakub Holovsky in BLOG, INTERESTING and tagged as album, aucklandia, bandcamp, blog, cd, cost, distrubution, mastering, spotify
Queen a Tour teď již všude
Posted by Jakub Holovsky in NEWS, RELEASES and tagged as bandcamp, beyond belief, buy, digital,, junodownload, kubatko, queen, shop, soundcloud, tour, trackitdown
Kubatko and Jo-S – Define – BBELIEF013
Další překvapení mi “nadělil” Jo-S, který se rozhodl, že uvolní k prodeji skladbu “Define”, kterou jsme udělali před cca 3mi lety. Ta byla dlouho “uzamčena” pro label Westbay, který ale následně vydání zrušil.
A tak se z “Define” stane 13 singl na mé značce.
Nakupovat můžete na bandcampu za 8kč nebo poslouchat celou zadarmo. Skladba se tradičně objeví i na,, a
Nana – z kompilace “Pattypan Planet”
Nana (get whole compilation for just one dollar) – Pattypan Planet by Kubatko
Kompilaci “Pattypan Planet” můžete zakoupit za Vámi zvolenou cenu zde.
Posted by Jakub Holovsky in NEWS, RELEASES and tagged as bandcamp, digital, kubatko, nana, pattypan planet
Kompilace Pattypan Planet za dolar ode dneška na bandcampu
Již oznámená kompilace mých skladeb “Pattypan Planet” je ode dneška k dostání na bandcampu. Cenu si můžete zvolit sami od dolaru až po kolik chcete. Takže můžete mít celý balík za cenu jedné skladby, je to na Vás. Díky za jakoukoli podporu této kompilace. Celá kompilace je složená ze skladeb, které čekaly na vydání, nevešly se na alba nebo jsem nevěděl co s nimi dělat.
Čtěte dále pro popis celé kompilace. (more…)
Posted by Jakub Holovsky in NEWS, RELEASES and tagged as 1 dollar, bandcamp, cdbaby, compilation, digital, kubatko, pattypan planet, smote, stream, stunna
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